Please use this checklist to ensure that all necessary information is given to Ardagh to help reduce delays and ensure the compliance with our guidelines.
Open artwork without errors (Ai, PDF)
Ensure that artwork opens without errors to reduce delays.
All text outlined/converted to vectors
Due to the uncertain legality of providing fonts with submitted artwork and the perceptible differences between supposedly ‘identical’ fonts, it is better to outline/vectorise them (turning them from a font into a graphic). This way there is no need to supply fonts and no danger of font substitution.Vectorised type should be given no line weight thickness. The fill remains as desired.
More info can be found on our More info can be found on our Text Page.
Correct template/container size
Ensure that the correct template is used for the size of can that is being produced.
More info can be found on our Templates Page.
Hi-res images supplied with artwork (300dpi)
Please ensure that Hi-res images are supplied with the artwork to reduce delays.
All solid areas converted to spot colours (Including White and Substrate)
We do not print in CMYK, so please convert all solid areas to Spot Colours.
This includes White and Substrate.
More info can be found on our Colours Page.
No text in overlap, seam or base area
There can be no text in the overlap, seam and base area as this will not be visible on the can and can cause issues during production. These areas are marked on the template.
More info can be found on our No Text Area Page.
Overlap colour & background match each side
During printing, the left and right-hand sides of the artwork will meet in the overlap area. It is
important to ensure that only elements of the same colour meet in the overlap areas to avoid ink contamination.
More info can be found on our No Text Area Page.
Print type (Conventional, PP1, PP2)
Ensure that the correct print type is selected for the effect you are looking to achieve.
Number of colours (Maximum 8)
Our printing units are equipped with up to 8 inkers. This does not mean we can always print 8 colours; due to technical printing restrictions it is possible that one colour has to be printed with 2 separate plates.
More info can be found on our Colours Page.
Suggested plate split (inc. Relief & Screen plates)
Our graphics team will review the artwork and decide on the best plate split. This can involve relief plates to give larger areas of colour more depth and strength, and also screen plates if any screenwork is present on the design.
More info can be found on our Colours Page.
Type of basecoat
We offer steel only eg. White or Clear basecoat options.
Type of varnish
We offer Standard Glossy, Matt, Tactile & Retort varnish options. If you are unsure which to choose, options can be requested from your local graphics department.
Minimum screen value of 3% applied
Ensure that the minimum screen value of 3% is applied.
Cross match inks to PMS, existing graphic, etc.
Ensure that pantones are selected for the inks required, or inks can be selected from an existing graphic previously produced.
Specialty ink required
Our speciality inks include Thermo, DPG and Premium White.
More info can be found in our Sample Store
Positive text – minimum size
Minimum size of positive text is 1.6mm for capital letters and 1.2mm for x-height.
More info can be found on our More info can be found on our Text Page.
Negative text – minimum size
Minimum size of negative text is 1.75mm for capital letters and 1.2mm for x-height.
More info can be found on our Text Page.
Keyline required around text if intersecting >2 colours
If text is intersecting more than 2 colours, a keyline is required around text.
Positive text thickness
Minimum thickness of positive text is 0.15mm.
More info can be found on our Text Page.
Negative text thickness
Minimum thickness of negative text is 0.3mm.
More info can be found on our Text Page.
Character spacing
Minimum gap between characters is 0.2mm.
More info can be found on our Text Page.
Positive line thickness
Minimum thickness of individual positive lines is 0.2mm.
More info can be found on our Lines & Gaps Page.
Negative line thickness
Minimum thickness of vertical negative lines is 0.35mm
More info can be found on our Lines & Gaps Page.
Number supplied (EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC A, UPC E)
Ensure the barcode number has been supplied.
More info can be found on our Barcodes Page.
Magnification 100% (Minimum 90%)
Ensure the barcode magnification is the recommended 100%, or at least 90%.
More info can be found on our Barcodes Page.
Correct colour contrast
Ensure the barcode box and bars contrast well with each other. If not black and white, ensure the colours have been approved by the graphics department.
More info can be found on our Barcodes Page.
Correct orientation (horizontal)
Ensure the barcode box and bars contrast well with each other. If not black and white, ensure the colours have been approved by the graphics department.
More info can be found on our Barcodes Page.
DPG deposit logo
If required, ensure the DPG deposit logo is on the artwork.
More info can be found on our DPG Page.
QR Code – URL provided
If required, ensure the URL for the QR Code is provided.
More info can be found on our QR Code Page.
QR Code – Correct size
Ensure the QR code is the correct size. The squares must be at least 0.44mm x 0.44mm.
More info can be found on our QR Code Page.
QR Code – Correct colour contrast
Ensure the squares and the background contrast well with each other. If not black and white, ensure the colours have been approved by the graphics department, and that the QR code is scannable.
More info can be found on our QR Code Page.