We are inspiring future generations

Our impact

Our communities

Our educators

Our students

Our future
Ardagh for Education News
International Day of Education 2025
Now up and running in more than 40 Ardagh communities on three continents, Ardagh for Education has engaged more than 650 schools, upskilled more than…
Alagoinhas celebrates giving back
To celebrate the festive period, colleagues from our production facility in Alagoinhas, Brazil wanted to show their gratitude to their communities and…
A future with Ardagh for Education
Ardagh for Education is on track to bring hands-on, engaging, STEM-learning experiences to more than 1.2 million students and upskill 10,000 teachers …
Ardagh for Education Germany Summit
STEM education was at the top of the agenda at the second annual Ardagh for Education Germany Summit. Ardagh Metal Packaging’s Braunshweig productio…
Where you can find us
Ardagh is working with organisations across the globe to bring the Ardagh for Education vision to as many people as possible in our communities. We are currently working with teams in Brazil, Germany, and the USA.

Tap each location to find out more.

Partnering with Wissensfabrik, we are committing €5 million over 10 years to impact an estimated 300 schools, 1,000 teachers, and 200,000 students in Ardagh’s German communities.
United States
Partnering with PLTW, we are committing $50 million over 10 years to impact an estimated 2,000 schools, 5,000 teachers, and 500,000 students in Ardagh’s U.S. communities.
Partnering with SESI, we are committing $5 million over 10 years to impact an estimated 200 schools, 2,500 teachers, and 200,000 students in Ardagh’s Brazilian communities.
South Africa
Partnering with PROTEC to impact schools, teachers, and students in Ardagh’s South African communities. Stay tuned for more details!
Our progress
