Decorative can

Graphic Related Questions

Unfortunately, CMYK is not possible and we require a spot colour solution. Therefore, images must be converted into appropriate spot colour channels with a maximum of 2 colours overprinting. If you need a guide to convert your CMYK image, please get in contact to your responsible Ardagh Graphics Studio.

The German Deposit System is centrally organised by the “Deutsche Pfandsystem GmbH” DPG. Ardagh Metal Beverage is a Certified Producer of DPG Deposit cans. You will find more information in the DPG section of our Barcodes and DRS page.

All artworks should be either Adobe Illustrator or PDF files with outlined fonts. More information on artwork can be found on our Artwork page.

In this printing process it is possible to use up to 8 inker stations including white. We recommend developing all artworks with 6 colours to allow for Relief Plates, Screen Plates that may be necessary.

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