International Day of Education 2025
Now up and running in more than 40 Ardagh communities on three continents, Ardagh for Education has engaged more than 650 schools, upskilled more than…
Now up and running in more than 40 Ardagh communities on three continents, Ardagh for Education has engaged more than 650 schools, upskilled more than…
To celebrate the festive period, colleagues from our production facility in Alagoinhas, Brazil wanted to show their gratitude to their communities and…
Ardagh for Education is on track to bring hands-on, engaging, STEM-learning experiences to more than 1.2 million students and upskill 10,000 teachers …
STEM education was at the top of the agenda at the second annual Ardagh for Education Germany Summit. Ardagh Metal Packaging’s Braunshweig productio…
Biblioteca do Futuro (Library of the Future), opened in the Irene Andrade de Assis Municipal School in Alagoinhas, Brazil, housing a collection of 850…
The School of Can End Manufacturing was launched at our beverage can facility in Manaus, Brazil – an important milestone for AMP-South America on it…
After the successful relocation of our Bonn, Germany office in January, a heavy snowstorm may have interrupted the ‘office warming’ party, but it …
In recognition of International Day of Education (January 24), we are excited to share progress on our global social sustainability initiative, Ardagh…
Ardagh Group S.A. today announced its third major multi-year investment in the Ardagh for Education programme. Ardagh will invest approximately $5 mil…
Our South American team made a large donation of school supplies through local NGOs Fênix and Guri na Roça in the city of Jacareí, Brazil. Sustai…