Leveraging differences to strengthen teams

Published January 11, 2022

A core part of our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) strategies in AMP – North America has been the rollout of unconscious bias training. At the end of the training, participants understood what unconscious bias is, how to identify its impact on their personal and professional lives, and how to work empathetically with teammates. Participants continue their learning after each session and form smaller groups, meeting regularly to discuss how they are utilising their differences to eliminate any obstacles in uncovering our full potential as the best team in our industry. The training furthers our commitments to our D&I strategy and our investment in our people.

Our other D&I projects include Ardagh Young Creatives and our STEM education grant programme with Project Lead the Way – where collaboration with our communities is at their heart. Our D&I initiatives enable us to ensure we are positioned to lead and deliver measurable progress in this key area. Find more details about these and our other sustainability initiatives and programmes by reading our 2021 Sustainability Report here.

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