NICE snaps up 187ml beverage can to double its canned wine range

Published June 9, 2020

British beverage company NICE could not wait to adopt Ardagh’s new 187ml Wine Can and launches the smaller sibling for each of the 250ml cans in its range of three wines, a strategy to expand into the on-trade channel.

Recognising Ardagh’s can’s uniqueness in the canned wine market, Jeremy May, Co-Founder of NICE, said:

“As soon as we knew Ardagh’s 187ml can was on its way, we decided we wanted it to launch it as a range to target the on-trade channel. We like to lead, not follow, so we’re proud to be early adopters of this uniquely sized and specialised can.”

The technical specifications of Ardagh’s Wine Can range have been developed to protect the flavour and quality of wine and wine-based beverages, and the new 187ml format, representing quarter of a standard 75cl bottle, is the ideal volume for casual wine drinkers looking for a convenient single-serve option when out-and-about. As Dirk Schwung, Sales Director at Ardagh Group’s European Metal Beverage division, said: “The 187ml format is the latest addition to our growing range of Wine Cans. We aim to innovate to meet upcoming trends and anticipate customer needs, so we’re delighted that NICE have adopted it so quickly.”

Adding a second aluminium can size is also a positive environmental choice for NICE. The brand’s three meticulously sourced French wines are all vegan, and their branding appeals to a demographic of young, conscious consumers for whom the origin, health and sustainability credentials of the drinks they choose are as essential as the taste. Jeremy May says: “The 187ml can offers a direct alternative to the 187ml PET bottle that’s most common in the on-trade and gives customers who are looking to reduce single-use plastic an easy choice.” Doubling-down on their commitment to 100% recyclable aluminium as their only packaging material reaffirms the company’s green pedigree.

The cans appeal aesthetically as well as ethically. Ardagh’s graphics team worked with NICE to meet a high design standard, in a collaboration that focused on achieving an unmissably prominent logo and on ensuring the brand imagery presented perfectly on the can body. The result is a fun and energetic design rendered in three strong colour palettes that delineate the three wines – pale rosé, Sauvignon blanc and Malbec – giving an immediately identifiable look and feel for the range.

The company will offer the 187ml NICE Wine Cans through the company’s online shop for trade customers for on-trade selling within the next week. After current social restrictions are lifted, they will be available across restaurant and theatre groups, event spaces, sporting venues and the travel sector.

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