Ardagh for Education Germany Summit
Published September 10, 2024
STEM education was at the top of the agenda at the second annual Ardagh for Education Germany Summit. Ardagh Metal Packaging’s Braunshweig production facility hosted the summit which began with a visit to a local Ardagh for Education school followed by presentations and workshops.
Herman Troskie, Ardagh Group’s Chair, took the opportunity to thank participants for their dedication to what forms an important part of our social sustainability strategy. He outlined how Ardagh for Education is progressing across the regions in which we partner with education providers, encouraging participants to continue their great work.
Summit attendees included plant colleagues and Ardagh for Education ambassadors from across Germany, along with leadership team members, Martin Kehoe (Global Advisor, Ardagh for Education), Sean Cosgrove (Global Head of Education Programmes) and Tom Decker (Education Programmes Manager) together with Mathias Haase, CEO of Wissensfabrik.
AMP colleagues visited Aueschule Wendeburg secondary school to see how new STEM subjects incorporating Wissensfabrik materials have been integrated into the curriculum. Attendees joined students in using IT2School materials to build Morse Code machines, demonstrating how an electrical circuit works.
At AMP’s Braunshweig production facility, the highlight was Wissenfabrik’s City4Future workshop: participants started with an interactive quiz about climate change and then performed experiments examining the effect of CO2 on water pH levels, the permeability of different ground coverings such as concrete, gravel and vegetation and the thermostatic effect of absorbed versus reflected light.
Ardagh for Education – Inspiring future generations.