AMP aligns with industry leaders toward net zero emissions

Published November 8, 2022

Ardagh Metal Packaging (AMP) has joined key aluminium industry leaders in signing on to the Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) of initiating strong actions in the short term to assure the shared global stakeholder objective of net zero emissions by 2050 is achieved.

The Mission Possible Partnership, a non-governmental organization, is leading the effort by targeting a net zero emission transformation through a community of CEO’s from key industries who, together with their customers and suppliers, agree on substantial investments in net zero initiatives this decade.

AMP is aligning with the likes of Alcoa, Emirates Global Aluminium, Novelis and fellow canmakers to support MPP’s general plan, titled “The Aluminium Transition Strategy,” for what the global aluminium industry could look like in a zero-carbon world. Examples of initiatives include:

· All smelters switching to low carbon power by 2035.

· A stronger emphasis on recycling and improved material efficiencies in company strategies.

· Boosting demand for low-carbon material to address higher costs for zero emissions aluminium products.

AMP CEO Oliver Graham says this is another example of the company’s commitment to support our customers and communities in extending the sustainability leadership position of the beverage can. “There remains opportunity to strengthen our path toward net zero emissions by applying a further sense of urgency in delivering major results by the end of this decade,” he said. “This includes uncovering innovative ways to reduce material and waste, while increasing use of clean power and, of course, recycling. We’re enthusiastic about the partnership and anticipate numerous opportunities for alignment.”

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